
Friday 7 September 2012

If you like reading scrambled editorial comment, this one is hard to beat

Readers who have a preference for tortuous editorials that have all the hallmarks of a dog's breakfast, this week's piece cobbled together by Coastal View's Graham Orams is a fairdinkum ripper. Orams started with a bit about the Do Not Call register (yes, Mr Orams, most readers would endorse your remarks) and finally concluded, after dragging his wife into another of his tales yet again, with remarks about voting for candidates in the local council election on the basis of their gender.
Truly, it read like a six, or perhaps more, schooners' effort.

On the page before his "Comment", Orams had a "news" item about the council elections. It rehashed information that has been in the public arena for at least two weeks  and had nothing new to add to the topic. The piece was a classic piece of lazy journalism.

Whatever this bloke gets paid for his rubbish, it's too much.

1 comment:

  1. Looks as though I should be thankful there was no Coastal Views on my lawn this week.


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