
Thursday 6 September 2012

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A trouble in River City musing: One candidate vying for a place on Clarence Valley Council this coming Saturday has a bit of a local government history. Apparently when down south someone found him divisive enough to warn him off in no uncertain terms. My little canine friend, Veronica Lake tells me that her hoomins were saying that the words “lest the public put a barrel of bullets in his chest” were used at the time.

A whozat? musing: Apparently things are getting antsey behind the scenes in the political campaign leading up to the 8 September 2012 Clarence Valley local government election. One particular candidate is rumoured to have banned another candidate from having any further interaction with the Grafton Chamber of Commerce. Surely no-one could possibily make such a foolish mis-step, or could they?

An omerta musing: There is a rumour about that Clarence Valley local government election candidate, Andrew Baker, is saying that he doesn't intend to spend any money on an election campaign. Which makes the mob gathered round the catnip patch wonder if he has the backing of the contruction industry mafioso whose workers just might be expected to toe the polling booth line.

A candidates need to chill musing: Amazed to hear my little canine friend Veronica Lake telling everyone who will listen that one of the genuinely interested single issue candidates at the September 2012 Clarence Valley local government elections chucked a hissy fit after reading one The Daily Examiner editorial. Ronnie reckons it's never wise to have a go at an editor this early in an election campaign and, candidates should focus their attention more constructively on the many problems facing local communities.

A what a hide musing: Property developer, real estate agent and Clarence Valley Council election candidate, Andrew Baker, has listed his email address with the NSWEC as . As if saying could make it so? Did he fall off his bank balance and hit his head on the way down?

A Degrees of Separation musing: I see that a former business partner and a former election campaign director of Nationals Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis (the developer Andrew Baker & the pro-development NSW Nationals former chair and now senior vice-chair Jeremy Challacombe) are both standing at the same September 2012 Clarence Valley local government elections in the electorate he supposedly represents. There are already two councillors (who happen to be card-carrying National Party members) standing for re-election. Is this a Nationals push to finally take control of Clarence Valley Council?

A Don't express an opinion of the candidates musing: Little Veronica Lake pricked up her fluffy white ears this week when she heard her hoomins discussing the fact that The Daily Examiner online is not allowing even mildly negative comments about new candidates at the September 2012 Clarence Valley local government elections. Of course that won't stop quite a few voters putting developers last on the ballot paper.

As Grafton Gaol in the Clarence Valley NSW closes a Gulaptis Sux musing: By bertson from Yamba, Shame O'Farrell! Shame Stoner! And shame Gulaptis! It's all very well for the local member to stand on the picket line when he's been shamed into it, but quite another to stand up for your constituents in the preceding months when the closure was being discussed in Macquarie Street. The electorate has a long memory Chris!!


# Boy's sidebar posts from 12 July to 5 September 2012 in reverse order

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