
Sunday 9 September 2012

Peter Phelps MLC retires from Twitter - sideswiped by #destroythejoint fallout and protesting vigorously

That notorious National Party troll Peter Phelps MLC finally has to confine himself to irritating fellow members of the NSW Upper House and, at least temporarily, retire from Twitter.
Phelps has a long history of tweets which distort reality, as can be seen here.
I doubt that may will miss his presence and even fewer notice his absence.

The Sydney Morning Herald 2 September 2012:

Then NSW Liberal MP Peter Phelps tweeted a paean of praise to Bungendore Station by calling it "small but perfectly formed. Like (The Sydney Morning Herald journalist) @ Jo Tovey".
On a normal week, this may have passed with little more than a roll of the eyes, but such was the pitch of shame men with brains had reached by this point, he was quietly convinced by his brothers to retreat from Twitter altogether. It's an oestrogen jungle out there in cyberspace, after all.

Another blogger:

NSW Hansard 5 September 2012:

Page: 54

The Hon. Dr PETER PHELPS [7.35 p.m.]: Senator Robert Ray was famous for saying, "A lie uncorrected takes on the patina of truth." In that vein I comment on an article by Jane Caro in last Sunday's Sun-Herald in which she states, "... he was quietly convinced by his brothers to retreat from Twitter altogether". That statement is completely and utterly false. My decision to terminate my Twitter account was mine and mine alone. I am particularly aggrieved by the fact that Ms Caro made no attempt, despite the fact that my telephone number and email address are readily available, to verify that assertion. That stands in contradistinction to a real journalist such as Barclay Crawford from the Sunday Telegraph, who did contact me and I was able to put on the record the true state of affairs. It is an unfortunate situation. I use this opportunity to correct the record. I terminated my Twitter account entirely of my own volition. I look forward to the correction in next Sunday's edition of the Sun-Herald.

[Time for debate expired.]

Question—That this House do now adjourn—put and resolved in the affirmative.

Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 7.37 p.m. until Wednesday 5 September 2012 at 11.00 a.m.

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