
Sunday 30 September 2012

Saffin speaks out against live animal export

ABC News 29 September 2010:

A Labor MP has thrown her support behind calls for a ban on the export of live animals after the slaughter of thousands of Australian sheep in Pakistan.
Almost half a shipment of 21,000 Australia sheep were brutally killed in the country before a court order was obtained by the owners halting the cull.
The Agriculture Department is investigating claims some were buried alive.
Janelle Saffin, the Member for the New South Wales electorate of Page, says she will push for a ban when the Labor partyroom meets the week after next.
She believes she has the support of many of her colleagues.
"It continues to be the issue that all members of Parliament get a lot of emails about and a lot of contact saying 'please do something about this'," she told Saturday AM.
"Look the way I'll say it is, it's a debate that won't go away.".....

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