
Sunday 30 September 2012

Too much speed set to haunt the Member for Clarence?

Letter to the Editor The Daily Examiner 26 September 2012:

Too much speed

CONGRATULATIONS to Chris Gulaptis - his hard work in supporting and engineering the installation of a 100kmh speed limit on Iluka Road now has motorists driving that road at 110kmh.
Yesterday a group of us cycled from Woombah to Iluka.
The speed of the vehicles passing us was alarming. The old saying of setting a speed limit and then motorists will drive about 10kmh over that limit was certainly in evidence yesterday.
If we didn't get into single file quick enough for the speeding drivers they let us know by honking their horns. Heaven forbid that they should slow down momentarily.
Two or three drivers observed the road rule regarding passing cyclists when there is an oncoming vehicle. Never mind, Chris can probably arrange for them to be counselled over their good behaviour.
Well done Chris Gulaptis - you have given the driving crazies just what they wanted.

Pamela Smith

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