
Thursday 6 September 2012

Truthiness in political reporting

Journalist Katherine Murphy writing in the National Times on 3 September 2012:

The sheer scale and ubiquity of ''truthiness'' in political discussion is gradually stirring journalism's pot, forcing decisions some outlets probably, in truth, don't want to make.
There is already so much conflict - posturing partisan hackery dressed up as news, brutal culture warfare and the like - that outlets that still cherish the principle of giving readers measured, balanced equivalence don't much fancy picking a club and swinging it lustily with all the other Neanderthals.
But balance can't be balance absent judgment. Sometimes statements are just wrong. Sometimes lies are just lies. Politics can't be allowed to manipulate voters by playing with journalism's best intentions to be fair. [my red bolding]

# A big thankyou to Anony-mice of Yamba for sending this quote to me.

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