
Saturday 6 October 2012

An Open Letter To Margie Abbott

Dear Margie,
You have been out there this week telling the world that your husband is a wonderful, sensitive and caring husband and father.
Radio, television and newspapers have been full of your opinions on this subject.
I’ve seen the direct quotes and I’m sure you are sincere, that you are indeed speaking up for 'the man I love'.
I for one do not have reservations about Tony Abbott based on any of those things.
My concerns are grounded in literally years of listening to your husband on his feet in the Australian Parliament, of watching him during televised interviews, reading his speech transcripts, press statements, published articles and his book, Battlelines.
In his role as a politician both in and out of government, he has often left me open mouthed with astonishment at the depth of his ideologically-driven antipathy towards women who are not part of his family or friendship circle – the 11.3 million or so of us that are Australian females in the general population.  
So Margie, while I admire your loyalty to the man I won’t be voting for the politician in the 2013 general election.
Hell will freeze over first.

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