
Saturday 20 October 2012

Yamba developer grows wordy

Not content with having his West Yamba subdivision passed by Clarence Valley Council on a vote of 8 to 1 at the 16 October 2012 ordinary monthly meeting, Yamba land and property developer David Mitchell quickly fired off a letter to the editor accusing Cr. McKenna of having flipped flopped and asserting; The question needs to be answered as to what or who changed Cr McKenna's mind over the last week?

The Daily Examiner published his needless rant on 18 October.

Is the rather arrogant Mr. Mitchell signaling that he will only accept an unconditional 100 per cent vote from councillors in future?

Apparently David Mitchell may have to look in the mirror when asking what or who changed Cr McKenna's mind.

A letter in reply from Cr. Margaret McKenna, published on 20 October, reveals that an email he sent her before the committee meeting caused her to later ask for staff comment on its contents and she; took their answer into my further deliberations for the council meeting.

The words hoist and petard come to mind.


  1. Hmm, word for word with this :

    Couldn't we have just had the link?

  2. North Coast Voices Admin.20 October 2012 at 09:34

    If yambaman had bothered to look he would have noticed that the post in question is one of North Coast Voices own and that Blogotariat carries a feed from our blog.
    So one of our own posts cannot appear on that blog aggregate site unless it is first published on North Coast Voices.
    Ergo, a link before the fact would have been impossible.

  3. If Mrs Melville would stop writing leftist rubbish, 90% of the community would be much happier! Just why does a pensioner living in government housing have such a chip on her shoulder against anybody even remotely successful? Envy, I'd guess?

  4. With apologies to the blogger who wrote the original serious post that I have shamefully adapted.

    The most telling thing that a schwarz does is contradict itself. It will do this virtually in the same sentence, without even stopping to take a breath. These contradictions can range from trivial to serious. When you ask a schwarz which one it means, it'll deny ever saying the first one, though it may literally have been only seconds since it was said -- really, how could you think they'd ever have said that? You need to have your head examined! A schwarz will contradict facts. It will even misquote you to yourself. If you disagree with a schwarz, it'll say you're lying, making stuff up, or are crazy.
