
Monday 19 November 2012

NSW farmer challenged $2 billion overspend on poles & wires across the state and Grid Australia threatened to sue

The Farmer
• The electricity industry is in crisis as massive over investment in the grid
has caused unsustainable price rises.
• This presentation will delineate 8 key themes that have shaped the
current crisis in the industry.
1. Price – an international and domestic perspective
2. The industries fanciful forecasts that have lead to massive overbuilding of
infrastructure for a demand that simply does not exist.
3. Gold Plating of the network.
4. A local example of flawed project justification. On a local level the problem
of self serving forecasting is magnified.
5. The industries fatally flawed regulatory framework.
6. Demand Management – a wasted opportunity.
7. The Myth of Peak Demand.
8. The Negative Feedback loop of falling demand.
Finally we will suggest some solutions to ameliorate the crisis.
[Excerpt from Submission to the Senate Enquiry on Electricity Prices, The Electricity Crisis How fanciful forecasts are stifling the Australian Economy. Author: Bruce Robertson – Deputy Chairman, The Manning Alliance]
Grid Australia states that External Impacts have been one of the key causes of Electricity price rises. They state:
“External impacts – the higher cost of borrowing after the GFC and the impact of high commodity prices has placed additional financial burdens on the cost of repairing and replacing essential network infrastructure; “
The government owned utilities effectively borrow at the government rate and make massive margins on the regulated return. Mr McIntyre, Chairman of Grid Australia should know this as he is also Managing Director of Transgrid the NSW Government owned Transmission provider. [Excerpt from Submission to the Senate Enquiry on Electricity Prices, Corrections to the Factual inaccuracies and Misleading and Deceptive Submission given by Grid Australia. Author: Bruce Robertson – Deputy Chairman, The Manning Alliance]
ABC 702 Radio James Valentine interview with Bruce Robertson:
Too much in investment in poles and wires.
Since 2008-2009 peak demand has actually been falling.
Average bill in a Country Energy NSW regional supply area has risen 154 per cent since 2005.
Government regulation of the industry is dramatically failing.
Manning Alliance
1.    A STATEMENT FROM THE CHAIRMAN 15 November 2012

Dear Friends,

As you are aware Grid Australia, “the organisation which represents the owners of Australia’s $10 billion electricity transmission networks in the National Electricity Market (NEM), plus Western Australia” recently threatened to instigate litigation against Bruce Robertson for defamation, that is, comments that he made on the ...
ABC 702 program with James Valentine and for references that were made in the Manning Alliance’s submission to the Australian Senate Inquiry into Electricity Prices.

I have previously sent you copies of press clipping and all links.

Today, I am very pleased to announce that the Chairman of Grid Australia, Peter McIntyre (also the Managing Director of Transgrid), has sent an apology to Bruce Robertson wherein he has stated that there will be no legal action against Bruce.

This is wonderful news and a great relief to Bruce and the entire Robertson family and also the entire Manning Alliance Community; and it is a major win for People Power and the Freedom of Speech.

I want to advise you that, tomorrow; I shall, in my capacity as Chairman of the Manning Alliance, call on the NSW Government for an independent inquiry into this debacle. The deliberate bullying, harassment and intimidation of Bruce Robertson is unacceptable and Grid Australia and Mr McIntyre needs to be held to account. We cannot allow innocent civilians who wish to contribute to matters of national or public significance to be gagged and coerced. We live in a world dominated and controlled by mega corporations and multinational companies and this horrific persecution of Bruce Robertson is a clear example that we need to be vigilant and jealously guard our right to the freedom of speech.

I want to thank you all for your contribution, advice and support. All those letters and emails to the politicians and the media have definitely helped.

As I sit back in my comfortable chair, sip on my favourite beverage, and reflect; today has been a very good day! It was a day when might was proven not to be right, and a clear example has been set for us all that we should not be afraid to speak out, to stand up for our rights and not to tolerate nor accept mediocrity. Our lives are too short. The Manning Community has lost an entire year of our lives battling the Transgrid debacle. It is a year we will not recover!

We need to demand and expect high standards of performance from our corporations, from our governments and from all our politicians.

I have attached a copy of the story (below), which appeared online in the Sydney Morning Herald, this afternoon. It has some very interesting information. I have also attached a copy of the letter of apology from Mr McIntyre. I am reliably informed there should be a major article in the Sydney Morning Herald tomorrow morning.

Perhaps at a more convenient time we will be in a position to share with you the background to this entire fiasco, the power plays and the intrigue, but that’s a story for another day!

I want to particularly acknowledge yet again, the support from the Sydney Morning Herald, particularly from Michael West, our Federal Member, Robert Oakeshott, and the NSW MLC, Dr. John Kaye.

I also need to recognise the courage and conviction of Bruce Robertson and the steadfast support and advice that he has received from his wife Belinda and their three children Babbs, Celeste, Archie. They are truly a remarkable family.

Please celebrate this win. It is another win for our entire community! A win that will have national repercussions; that will reverberate throughout the boardrooms of Australia and through the corridors of political power.

The truth really has won out!

Kind Regards,

Peter Epov
The State per email from Grid Australia
Dear Mr Robertson,
I refer to the letter sent to you by Ashurst on 5 November 2012. I sincerely apologise if this correspondence caused you or your family concern in regard to pending legal action. I have instructed Ashurst that Grid Australia has no intention of taking legal action against you in regard to the matters referred to in that letter. As such, you should not consider yourself subject to any proceedings. Grid Australia is committed to constructive engagement with Government and the community about matters of energy policy. We stand by the information and the submissions made to the Senate Select Committee. In light of our obvious differences, I would appreciate the opportunity for Grid Australia to meet with you and discuss the matters raised in your submission to the Senate Enquiry. I recognise there has been a lot of passion in the debate, but I am hopeful that a more constructive engagement between us will assist in a more informed dialogue on these important issues.

Yours sincerely,

Peter McIntyre
Grid Australia

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