
Monday 5 November 2012

You are corrupt! He said, she said

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anna Burke, in Hansard, 31 October 2012:
Ms GILLARD (Lalor—Prime Minister) (14:40): How can the opposition assert that it is focusing on the nation's interests and not pursuing nasty personal politics when it goes down this track?
Mr Laming: You are corrupt!
The SPEAKER: The individual will withdraw.
Mr Laming: I withdraw.
The SPEAKER: Further, the member for Bowman will leave the chamber under 94(a) and will count himself very, very lucky.
The Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, in The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 November 2012:
Dr Laming's interjection was recorded in Hansard, and in the notes of journalists, but this morning he backtracked, claiming he simply shouted "corrupt" during the furore, and others, including the Hansard editor who sits in the chamber, must have misheard him.”
Unfortunately for Andrew Laming the Question Time podcast for 31 October allows one to clearly hear the shout; You are corrupt!

1 comment:

  1. Just another example of a Liberal minister lying


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