
Monday 7 January 2013

Clarence Valley Deputy Mayor tweets tacky

Clarence Valley Council Deputy Mayor Cr. Craig Howe starts the year by pushing a weight loss fad.
craig howe @CraigHowe68


  1. If you read all of my tweets you would know this was a hacked tweet. It was removed and rectified. It is tacky to post this to make me loom bad without all of the facts, or was that the intent? I guess an apology is too much to ask?

    Craig Howe
    Deputy Mayor

  2. Actually I don't read all your tweets.

    The sheer volume of tweets I receive from all sources makes would make that an impossible task.

    That tweet of yours had not been removed by 5 January when a snapshot was placed in the NCV post schedule.

    Additionally, your tweet stream now only mentions a hack with the words, "did you see this picture of you" and no I did not.

    If you wish to avoid this situation in the future, then I suggest you remove any hack item immediately and, tighten up your Internet security regime.

    Even though you appear to be into conspiracy theories, I am genuinely sorry if you were offended and, this comment is now permanently attached to the original post.

    1. Thank you for the apology. It was not my Internet. I foolishly opened the tweet titled have you seen this photo of you from someone I know who had also been hacked. They were removed when I saw them as I am not a regular tweeter. Can I also respectfully suggest you check things like this which are a common hack for validity before posting them on a public blog.

  3. P.S It is not time consuming to go to a particular persons twitter account and read all of their tweets.

  4. I'm glad you have so much time on your hands that you can check every single tweeter displaying on your account every day - I don't.

  5. Why did you not post my previous post. The one prior to the PS?

  6. Yoy obviously don't understand how the Internet works, if a) you think that you are not on the Net when you are using Twitter or opening tweet links; b) you believe that all hack tweets are obvious to the reader when the account holder does not properly identify them as such after discovery and, c)you think that removing a hack tweet from your visible tweet stream means it has been totally eradicated from the Internet - it's still up there on a mirror of your account for all the world to see as I write.

    If you don't secure all your online accounts don't bleat about the consequences when you get hacked.

    This conversation is now closed.


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