
Saturday 16 February 2013

Federal Labor MP Janelle Saffin locks in economic strategy & jobs expo for Clarence Valley

Janelle locks in economic strategy & jobs expo for Clarence Valley

PAGE MP Janelle Saffin has locked in Federal funding for the first stage of an economic development strategy for the Clarence Valley, and an Australian Government Jobs and Skills Expo in Grafton on April 16.

Ms Saffin thanked Federal Minister for Employment Participation Kate Ellis for signing off on both jobs initiatives, which she has been working on since the downsizing of Grafton Gaol to a remand centre last year.

“The Clarence Valley has taken several hits with the loss of private and NSW Government public sector jobs, so my approach is to strengthen the viability of our traditional industries, one by one, to expand our industry base and jobs,” she said. 

“The marine industry is an important one in the Valley, and it makes sense to kick start our economic development strategy with a project that will boost its workforce by upskilling up to 10 local casual workers with experience in manufacturing and fabrication.

“Local Employment Coordinator Terry Watson has been working with Clarence Valley Council’s Deputy General Manager Des Schroder, whose council will deliver the project. NSW Trade and Investment’s Craig Jenkins is actively involved in the project in bringing in other State agencies.

“The Australian Government will contribute $20,000 to support training in ship construction and refurbishment with NSW State Training Services providing the actual training. The project will run until May, but my aim would be to build on this across other major industries over the next few years.

“Participants in the Marine Precinct Workforce Development Project will have the chance to get certification, including working in confined spaces, scaffolding, forklift licenses, sand blasting, welding, fitting and turning, and workplace health and safety.

“Tailoring people’s skills to what industry needs is what this project is about and this makes it easier to keep your job, advance in your workplace and get other jobs.”

Ms Saffin welcomed Minister Ellis’s announcement that an Australian Government Jobs and Skills Expo would be held at Grafton Basketball Stadium on Tuesday, April 16, because it will bring hundreds of local job and skills training opportunities to the Valley.

“I encourage all job seekers, employers and training and education organisations in the Clarence Valley to get involved in the Grafton Jobs and Skills Expo because this is a great opportunity to help people build skills and find work or get back into work,” she said.

“There will be a large jobs board filled with vacancies for all ages and skills levels, and a skills board where registered training organisations will promote courses available in the area.

“Since 2009, the Australian Government has delivered 69 Jobs and Skills Expos to areas of high unemployment and welfare dependency. As a result, more than 24,700 job seekers have been connected with employment and training.

“Keeping jobs and creating jobs is what the community expects us to work on. That’s what I’ve been doing, locking in both the economic strategy and the jobs expo.

“I want to ensure that people in Page have the opportunity to share in the benefits of work, and I do everything I can to help those who need it, get it.”

Exhibiting at the Grafton Jobs and Skills Expo is free and potential exhibitors should call 13 11 58 or visit the website at

Employers can also contact Local Employment Coordinator Terry Watson on 0412 320 077 or at to follow up on available assistance or for more information about the Clarence Valley Marine Precinct Workforce Development Project.

Friday, February 15, 2013.

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