
Friday 22 February 2013

Japanese whaling fleet begins to withdraw from Antarctic waters

SBS World News 20 February 2012:
The latest spat between Japanese whalers and the Sea Shepherd group could become an international incident, amid reports Japan has temporarily suspended its whale hunt.
The ABC reports Japan has temporarily suspended its annual whale hunt in the Southern Ocean.
Yesterday, three Sea Shepherd ships were rammed by Japan's whaling fleet while it was attempting to refuel in Australian Antarctic Territory waters, the conservation group says.
Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson says the Nisshin Maru has hit the Steve Irwin, the Bob Barker and the Sam Simon, which were attempting to stop the Japanese fleet "illegally" refuelling.
Captain Watson said the Nisshin Maru also collided with the Korean-owned tanker Sun Laurel, which appeared to be leaving the area.
The Bob Barker was badly damaged, taking water in its engine room and losing power, but is under way again, he said.
There were no injuries among its 38 crew.
"It's extremely irresponsible and reckless for them to be taking these kind of manoeuvres around an oil tanker, especially in the Antarctic treaty zone," Captain Watson told AAP.
"The Nisshin Maru just came in, bullied their way through, and hit the Steve Irwin twice on the stern ... and hit the Bob Barker multiple times, pushing it into the side of the tanker.
"It then continued to hit it with stun guns and water cannons and did severe damage."
Captain Watson said the Japanese ship backed off when a mayday call was issued but the Sam Simon had then been hit.
"We actually had the situation of the Japanese ship on their loudspeakers telling the Sam Simon to leave the Australian Antarctic Territory, that's an Australian flagged ship, and they said so by order of the government of Japan," Captain Watson said.

Japan's Insitiute of Cetacean Research version of events here.
Sea Shepherd (Australia) version of events here.

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