
Monday 25 February 2013

NSW Farmers asks O'Farrell to protect all strategic agricultural land, water resources and lots zoned residential from CSG and coal mining

NSW Farmers on 19 February 2013 as reported in the RuralWeekly:

The following motion was passed at this morning's executive council meeting:
NSW Farmers supports Premier O'Farrell's decision to take a tougher stand on CSG compliance, and extraction near iconic agricultural industries. We call on the NSW Government to improve this policy by taking the following steps:

1.   apply the 2km buffer to Strategic Agricultural Land and water resources, as identified in Strategic Regional Land Use Plans;
2.    apply the buffer to minerals exploration and extraction (including coal) - not just coal seam gas;
3.    apply this policy to all projects which have not yet received approval, or release legal advice detailing why this step cannot be taken; and,
4.    apply the 2km buffer to all areas zoned as residential (as opposed to setting a population-based definition).

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