
Friday 1 February 2013

Yamba's flood experience - guffaw!!!

The lads at the table of knowledge at the local watering hole had great trouble lifting themselves off the floor after hearing about a yarn that's doing the circuit in Yamba about how the local council is going to address the problem of removing the debris from Yamba's beaches.

The yarn might have some truth to it, then again it mightn't. Anyway, the lads have been splitting their sides laughing about it.

According to the local "talk" an individual who holds a reasonably high position at a north coast council was asked how much the clean up would cost. Apparently, the person said it'd be about $250,000.

"How was that figure arrived at?" asked someone.

No one knows for sure, but the "talk" is that the figure was plucked out of thin air. Then again, it might have been extracted from someone's derriere.

Time will tell.


  1. What I liked was the fact that getting all that debris off the three main beaches was going to involve carting it away in single axle trucks while the beaches were closed.
    Oh, and the fact that the tide would supposedly remove the enormous woven raft of assorted timbers on Convent Beach according to that same individual.
    By the way - volunteers are not invited to this cleaning bee.
    Unless you're a contractor willing to charge for your services, The Man doesn't want your help.

  2. The Workplace Health and Safety Risk of individuals volunteers becoming injured would prevent the public from assisting the beach cleanup. As the land is crown land under the responsibility of Council, any injury would be under Council liability and thus any consequent injury compensation would be indirectly funded by the ratepayer... it pays to understand the systems we live in before knocking Council processes... Insurance companies and State Government Workcover Legislation are the reason Council was restricting volunteers!


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