
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Censoring what local government councillors, residents & ratepayers can see

On 12 March 2013 Clarence Valley Council management achieved a veritable censorship coup.

The Civil &Corporate Committee Meeting business paper contained a ‘ghost’ submission in Item 13.034/13.
There is an assertion that it exists but no full text of one submission is attached to this item. [See Page 7 snapshot below]
Presumably any councillor who happened to realise that a document was being withheld from them would be given access to it by council management.
However, it is hard to see how residents and ratepayers would be able to view that same obscured document.

The Environment, Economic & Community Committee Meeting business paper dispensed altogether with the idea of summarizing a submission which allegedly should have been attached to Item 12.044/13.
It simply denied that it existed at all. [See Page 62 snapshot below]

Not even the most wide awake councillor would suspect that a ratepayer may have submitted an opinion on this aspect of the somewhat ironically titled Draft Community Engagement Policy (2013):

Click on snapshots to enlarge

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