
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Dutch super trawler finally leaving Australian waters

In the space of twenty-one days Seafish Tasmania and Parlevliet En Van Der Plas Beheer B.V blinked........


AAP 13 February 2013
Super-trawler operator Seafish Tasmania has begun court action to sue the federal government and two ministers over the ban on the controversial fishing behemoth Abel Tasman.
Seafish managing director Joe Pirrello says documents have been sent to the Federal Court instigating action against the government, Environment Minister Tony Burke and Fisheries Minister Joe Ludwig.
Mr Burke used new powers to ban the 142-metre vessel last year after a public backlash and on Tuesday announced he would knock back a plan for it to be used as a "mother ship".
Under the proposal, smaller boats would fish for Seafish's 18,000-tonne quota of jack mackerel and redbait, with the Abel Tasman to be used as a giant offshore freezer.
The ship, formerly known as the Margiris, has been berthed at Port Lincoln in South Australia since its arrival from The Netherlands in August, costing Seafish more than $10,000 a day.
"About eight days ago we presented the Federal Court (in) Queensland with documents to sue the federal government, Tony Burke and Joe Ludwig in order to overturn his original declaration," Mr Pirrello told AAP.
In a statement, the company added: "The Australian government, through AFMA (the Australian Fisheries Management Authority), encouraged Seafish Tasmania to spend millions of dollars to bring the Abel Tasman to Australia.
"Now the Australian government wants us to go away. We won't be going away."

FV Able Tasman from Google Images
The Hon. Tony Burke MP
Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Seafish Tasmania today put out a statement saying the Abel Tasman is leaving Australian waters.
The Gillard Government last year acted to stop the Super Trawler – formally named the FV Margiris - from fishing in Australian waters until the sufficient scientific checks have been completed.
At the core of this issue was one principle - there was significant uncertainty about the environmental impacts of this new form of fishing.
When faced with this sort of uncertainty you can either be cautious and wait for the scientific work to be done or roll the dice and run the risks.
Australia chose to be cautious when it came to protecting the ocean. It was the right thing to do.
The Gillard Government makes no apology for not taking risks when it comes to protecting our precious oceans.
Background here.

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