
Tuesday 19 March 2013

One young regional journalist is man enough to eat humble pie

Unlike many of his big city counterparts, The Daily Examiner  journalist Lachlan Thompson is prepared to admit that he misread the political runes when it came to concerns about coal seam:
It is time for me to eat some humble pie.
After attacking Member for Page Janelle Saffin for speaking out about CSG for the sole purpose of gaining votes, it appears the Federal Government is united on this issue.
It is now set to take action and I owe Ms Saffin an apology.
The company holding petroleum exploration licences in the Valley, Metgasco, has decided to suspend its activities on the North Coast.
Metgasco said it is because of changes in state, not federal regulations.
Frankly, when I saw the NSW Government's regulatory changes, I thought they had as much sturdiness as a soaked toilet roll.
The reason was they did not seem to prevent companies from putting CSG wells in rural residential areas like Glenugie.
The federal legislation, on the other hand, could mean no wells go ahead unless the science on this issue is completely clear. I hope the Gillard government can move this legislation through before the election.

Lachlan’s willingness to re-evaluate his previous opinions is refreshing and well done.

1 comment:

  1. You need a great big LIKE button on your blog.

    Finally we are making some rational decisions about the future of our environment.

    Now let's see some investment in solar power farming in our region! Then I will be a very happy woman.


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