
Friday 8 March 2013

Pacific Highway Upgrade: Saffin says Hartsuyker and Hogan talking rot

Media Release Tuesday 5 March, 2013

Saffin says Federal Pacific Highway funding is quarantined

Page MP Janelle Saffin today said Australian Government’s funding for the Pacific Highway has been quarantined and is guaranteed, no matter what.

Ms Saffin said the Nationals MP Luke Hartsuyker knows that the Pacific Highway funding is guaranteed and has nothing at all to do with funding for Sydney roads.

“The Member for Cowper is just talking rubbish when he says he’s worried about the Federal Government’s announcement of $1.5 billion for the WestConnex project in Western Sydney.

“And it just shows how politically hapless Kevin Hogan is to follow Luke Hartsuyker, and trot out the same rot.

“I note that they made no comment last October when Tony Abbott announced the $1.5 billion for the WestConnex project last October.

“I find it extraordinary that the Nationals can keep a straight face when they talk about the Pacific Highway, given the poor funding record from 1996-2007 under the Federal Liberal National Coalition Government.

“The Federal Labor Government is already investing a record $4.1 billion into the Pacific Highway and has put an additional $3.56 billion on the table.

“By comparison, the former Howard Government, of which Luke was a member, could only manage to spend $1.3 billion on the Highway during their 12 long years in office – and that’s despite being Australia’s highest ever taxing government.

“As Luke knows, the $2.3 billion for the Pacific Highway remaining from last year’s Budget is guaranteed and just needs the O’Farrell Government to  honour it’s pre-election commitment  to its share of funding for the upgrade.

“Instead of getting stuck into me, if Luke is so concerned, he should direct his energies to getting his State coalition colleagues to honour their commitment to matching the highway funding.

“Last year the NSW Coalition Government ran out of excuses not to put in its share when the State Auditor-General revealed the O’Farrell Government’s $1 billion mistake in its sums.

“State or Federal, the Nationals don’t have a good record of delivering on the Pacific Highway when in Government, although they  make a big noise about the Highway when in opposition.”

Lee DuncanMedia Adviser
Office of Janelle Saffin MP
Federal Member for Page
Ph: 6621.9909   

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