
Thursday 28 March 2013

Snake! Snake! Snake!

The Daily Examiner 22 March 2013:

EIGHTY-seven-year-old bingo enthusiast Una Walters responded to the cry of "snake" faster than she could say "house" at South Grafton Ex-Servicemen's club last week.
A red-bellied black snake interrupted the weekly meat raffle on Friday by crawling up a lady's leg.
As the club's secretary manager Col Green panicked and scrambled for a handbag to capture the metre-long intruder, one of his most loyal customers leapt into action.
"I turn around, and here's Una standing there with the snake in one hand," Mr Green said.
"I'm not scared of the bastard!" Una shouted as she held the snake near its head.
It was about 6.45pm last Friday and the meat draw was well under way when someone from a table in the centre of the room yelled: "Snake! Snake! Snake!"
Commotion ensued and people scattered from their chairs as the red-bellied black slithered its way between the feet of scurrying patrons and club staff.
"He (the snake) had crawled up a woman's leg and tried to curl around it," Mr Green said.
"I grabbed a lady's handbag, hoping to get the snake in there so we could send him on his way."
The perpetrator evaded being caught for some time until Una intervened.
"I turn around and here's Una standing there with the snake in one hand," Mr Green said…..

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