
Sunday 17 March 2013

So who was it that appeared to call the Australian Prime Minister a "moll"? 12 March 2013:

Three women sitting in the public gallery shouted separate interjections at different points during question time.
One woman appeared to call Ms Gillard a "moll".
Another called the Prime Minister "Ju-liar" and a third spoke about Ms Gillard's recent visit to western Sydney.
"You didn't visit us did ya," she said.

Hansard 12 March 2013:

14.52 hours: An incident having occurred in the gallery

15.12 hours Speaker of the House of Representatives: …I remind members of the gallery that they are not participants in question time and that calling out from the galleries will lead to a closing down. I think it would be an absolute disgrace if we had to curtail the rights of people to attend and see their own parliament. Like many Speakers and many members of parliament before me, I have had the  privilege of going around the world and looking at other parliaments. I do not think people in Australia appreciate the access they have to this building and I would hate to get to the stage where we had to curtail that in any way. If people want to get to interject in question time, they have to get elected and get on a green seat—that would be my advice to individuals.
Even then they would have to observe the standing orders which say, 'No interjections.

So who hurled what sounded like "moll" at the PM?

Former Liberal Party candidate for Bendigo Anita Dolon
in the Bendigo Advertiser

Is this a photograph of the third woman seated in the House of Representatives’ visitors gallery who heckled Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time on 12 March 2013?

Or was the "moll" interjector someone else connected to the Rotten To The Core rally held that day in Canberra?

These are unanswered questions, but what is not in question is the Leader of the Opposition's smirking response as these insults flew.......

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