
Saturday 23 March 2013

The gentle and generous humour of Prime Minister Julia Gillard

The ABC’s Sally Sara tweeted this image of Paul Bongiorno replacing Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard at her desk to celebrate his 25 years as a member of the Press Gallery. The Prime Minister is acting as one of his ‘assistants’ for the camera.


  1. Great photo. Julia Gillard is one tough woman. What she has endured from Tony Abbott with the aid of the mainstream media is unimaginable. Personal attacks on her self yet she still has this humanitarian sense of humour. This is what you don't see from Tony Abbott. His every word and image is scripted to give a false impression of a false peson.

    He has no humourous side, he has what is called a syndrome and that can be seen in his eyes and on his face.
    Like I said Julia is one tough woman, she has stared Tony Abbott down at every attempt to attack her.

    If this political war between labor and Liberal was a football match Tony Abbott would be sent off. He can't play the game, he doesn't know the rules and he attacks the player at every opportunity. This tells me that he hasn't got a plan.


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