
Monday 25 March 2013

The ugly face of any future Abbott Government?

Hon. Christopher Pyne
Federal Liberal Member for Sturt and Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives
19 March 2013

House of Representatives Hansard Tuesday 19 March 2013:

Mr Pyne: Madam Speaker, on a point of order, the  Leader of the Opposition asked a perfectly valid question. The Prime Minister answered the question and then she as an aside said for some unknown reason, 'Misogynist Tony is back'. I would ask her to  withdraw it because it is a slur on the Leader of the Opposition and a desperate play from a desperate Prime Minister!
The SPEAKER: The Manager of Opposition Business will leave the chamber under standing order 94(a).
Opposition members: Why?
The SPEAKER: Why? If anybody needs to ask that they might all just leave the chamber.
The member for Sturt then left the chamber.

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