
Thursday 21 March 2013

When Richard met Eddie

In 1999 George Richard Torbay contested and won the NSW seat of New England as an independent.
In 2013 he intended to stand for Federal Parliament as a National Party candidate.
On the 20th March he suddenly resigned from the NSW Parliament and from the Nats, allegedly because his relationship with Eddie Obeid has been referred to ICAC. He also resigned as UNE Chancellor.
Richard and Eddie Obeid came into contact early in his political career and the Torbay-Obeid connection was so well-known it was raised in parliament over 5 years ago.

The Green Left on the 23rd June 1999:

Part of a Melinda Pavey MLC motion listed in the NSWLC Notice Paper for 27th February 2007:

Granny Herald on 23rd November 2008:

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