
Sunday 10 March 2013

Who said what in the current Australian gun crime debate

Police Association of NSW 27 February 2013:
SYDNEY, Feb 27 AAP - NSW Attorney General Greg Smith says there’s a long way to go until drive-by shootings in western Sydney are brought under control.
Addressing a Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) conference in Sydney, Mr Smith said the problem of drive-by shootings was “smaller now than it was in 2001”.
However, he conceded the coalition government had not yet been able to fully combat it across western Sydney.
“It’s of great concern and we still have a long way to go in bringing it fully under control,” Mr Smith told the conference.
The comments come after a wave of shootings in the city’s west that have forced NSW police to establish Operation Apollo, a special strike force targeting gun crime.
On Sunday, Ms Gillard announced a $64 million ''national anti-gang taskforce''.
Ms Gillard said: ''When we look at the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, we see that, over the past 15 years, shootings in public places have soared.''

NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research  Media Release 6 March 2013:
The claim by the Prime Minister that shooting offences in public places in NSW havesoared’ over the last 15 years is incorrect, according to the head of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.
The claim was reportedly made by the Prime Minister last Sunday when announcing various measures to tackle organised crime in NSW and other States.
According to the Director of the Bureau, the total number of non-fatal shooting offences in NSW peaked at a six-month average of over 40 incidents a month in November 2001 and then began to fall.
By December last year the six-monthly average number of non-fatal shooting incidents had dropped to around 25 a month.
‘Only one type of shooting incident has increased over the last two years. The offence of ‘unlawfully discharge firearm into premises’ rose from a six-monthly average of five in February 2010 to a six-monthly average peak of about 11 a month in August 2012.’
‘In the last three months of 2012, however, the incidence of this offence dropped sharply. The six-monthly average in December last year was back down to around 6 to 7 offences a month.’
More serious offences, such as ‘shoot with intent to kill’ have remained fairly low and stable since 1997. Homicide offences involving a firearm have actually fallen across Australia.’
National statistics
NSW Statistics
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