
Monday 1 April 2013

A powerful move by Lismore Workers Club

Letter to the Editor in The Northern Star 22 March 2013:

Powerful move
I WANT to congratulate the Lismore Workers Club for its practical commitment to a clean energy future (Power surge at the workers, NS 16/3), with the installation of a 100kw solar energy system.
As the general manager Stephen Bortolin said, this was not only about saving money on energy but lending a hand to the environment.
The Federal Government has a commitment to at least 20% of our electricity coming from renewable sources by 2020.
Here on the North Coast we have a strong history of support for renewable energy, and not surprisingly we have the highest uptake of rooftop solar systems in the country.
It's great to see the Workers Club demonstrating this community and business leadership towards a low-carbon future.
The club will also get a big seal of approval from its patrons for going solar, particularly those committed to renewable energy who have been gathering at the club regularly (and will be there again tomorrow night) for anti-CSG events.
Janelle Saffin MP
Federal Member for Page

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