
Monday 8 April 2013

More Abbott hypocrisy

Nine News 7 April 2013:
"The prime minister shouldn't use an overseas trip to make domestic political comments," he [Abbott] said.
The Australian 18 July 2012:
Mr Abbott told the Heritage Foundation, a leading [American] conservative think tank, that he was concerned Australia's defence spending had fallen to its lowest level as a percentage of GDP since 1938.
The West 5 April 2012:
The Federal Opposition plans to retain a key part of Labor's mining tax package, convinced it will generate billions of dollars in the decades ahead.
Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey has confirmed to The West Australian that the coalition would keep the Government's extension of the petroleum resource rent tax to onshore projects.
Until the introduction of the mining tax last year, the PRRT was restricted to offshore oil and gas projects including the North-West Shelf and Bass Strait.
By extending its footprint to onshore reserves, the PRRT will capture massive amounts of tax from the expanding coal seam gas sector in Queensland and NSW.
Mr Hockey said the coalition still intended abolishing the minerals resource rent tax and insisted the decision to keep the expanded PRRT would not come as a surprise to the mining industry. "The coalition has been consistent in its message that our abolition of the MRRT will not automatically extend to the PRRT," he said yesterday.
Abbott’s pre-election ‘discussion’ about absconding with GST revenue assigned to Labor states and giving the billion plus to Liberal mates:
Only one way that Julia Gillard or Tony Abbott will ever fix their budget deficit and that’s strong revenues from the mining industry and the mining industry’s basically Western Australia….
He made comments to me along the lines that, ‘I don’t think it’s sensible to hold back strong parts of the economy to simply prop up weaker parts of the economy’…..
*Abbott photograph found at Google Images

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