
Monday 8 April 2013

The people of Ulmarra, Glenreagh and Iluka need to act now if they wish to keep their local public pools or establish a new pool

The Clarence Valley Aquatic Facility Strategy, a Strategic Leisure Group draft report commissioned by Clarence Valley Council, has been released and will be considered at the Civil & Corporate Committee Meeting (C&CC) on 9 April 2013.

This report recommends closing both the Ulmarra and Glenreagh public pools rather than upgrading infrastructure or continuing routine maintenance.

This would force Ulmarra residents to brave the Pacific Highway and travel to South Grafton if they want regular aquatic exercise or a dip on a hot day and, send Glenreagh locals into the next local government area if they want to use the closest public pool.

Iluka is not well served by this report either as it recommends that a public pool capable of servicing the community far into the future not be established there at this time. Instead it suggests that Clarence Valley shire councillors might either look at a smaller pool option or send residents on a circuitous drive to Maclean’s public pool to take advantage of vaguely proposed discounted entrance fees.

When it comes to Yamba, the report also missed the golden opportunity to put forward the idea of creating a competitive-level pool which would attract state and interstate sporting events to the Lower Clarence.

While across the board it would appear that; Pool patrons indicated very strong satisfaction with existing pool managers and staff. Recommendations in relation to future management arrangements have been made including continuation of the existing contractor model but with reconsideration of the revenue sharing process.

Which flies in the face of contrary opinions held by some council staff, who may have possibly been too vigorous in pursuing their personal views.

Departing staff members have made their feeling known about one pool in tomorrow’s C&CC business paper as it states; Unfortunately Ulmarra pool is already on the priority list for significant works (resolution 13.036/11) and has $150,000 identified in the Delivery Program as a starting point… [my red bolding]

While admitting that; Glenreagh pool, by contrast, has recently had significant refurbishment which places it in a favourable position for at least 10 years.

Anyone interested in swimming as a recreational or sporting activity needs to make their own positions known to councillors as soon as possible or by the end of any public exhibition period should Council decide to place the draft report on public exhibition.

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