
Thursday 2 May 2013

Ballina affordable housing stock grows by 120

Minister for Mental Health and Ageing
Minister for Housing and Homelessness
Minister for Social Inclusion
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform

Member for Page



26 April 2013

North Coast residents will soon have access to 120 more affordable homes in Ballina, thanks to a $5 million investment by the Labor Government under its Building Better Regional Cities program.

Minister for Housing and Homelessness Mark Butler, Federal Member for Page Janelle Saffin, and Ballina Mayor, Cr David Wright, said the funding would help reduce the cost of building local infrastructure needed for a new housing development in Ballina.

“We know that housing shortages are creating challenges on the North Coast and The Ballina Heights Estate will deliver much needed affordable housing for the region.

“I gave strong support to Ballina Shire Council's submission, given the community need for affordable housing and the Council's great work and planning.  Mayor Cr. David Wright and his team of Councillors and General Manager Paul Hickey and his team are to be commended," Ms Saffin said.

“This funding will help reduce the cost of the development by delivering essential infrastructure such as stormwater drainage and street lighting in the estate, and these savings will be passed on to home buyers with a $25,000 rebate from the purchase price of land in the Estate.”

Cr Wright said the funding would help more low income earners in Ballina gain access to affordable housing.

“I know how challenging it can be for people on low incomes to get a start in the property market and tohis project will increase the supply of affordable homes for sale and rent and help alleviate housing supply pressures in our community,” Cr Wright said.

“The Ballina Heights development is about more than just housing. It’s about creating a community, with a new school, shops, and public parks, all at the residents’ doorsteps.”

Mr Butler said the Building Better Regional Cities program is part of the government’s record $26 billion investment in housing programs to help address housing affordability around the nation.

“We’re investing in regional centers like Ballina, where rapid population growth is forcing up house prices and rents,” Mr. Butler said.

“This funding is in addition to the $4.5 million we provided Ballina Council under Building Better Regional Cities for the development of sports fields in Wollongbar.”

He said the funding is part of the Labor Government’s $114 million investment over three years to support local infrastructure projects for new housing developments in 16 regional communities across Australia.

“We believe all Australians deserve a safe, secure home, and we will continue to work to provide affordable housing for Australia’s most vulnerable people.”

Media contacts:

Tim O’Halloran (Butler) – 0409 059 617

Lee Duncan (Saffin)      0448 158 150

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