
Saturday 25 May 2013

NSW Northern Tableland By-Election 25 May 2013 - polling results links for tonight

For all those political tragics.....

NSW Electoral Commission:

2013 Northern Tablelands By-election Results - online updates activated after 6pm tonight.


Electors Enrolled on 22 April 2013: 51,802
Number of Candidates: 7


The results are presented in a series of 3 reports:
ABC NEWS - Antony Green - live cover online from 6pm

1 comment:

  1. Oh, woe, horror! I just looked at some preliminary first preferences and saw that Fred Nile's latest squeeze isn't going to be elected. But that's not the end of the bad news for Fred and Silvana. Some bloke/sheila called " Informal" is streets in front of the CDP's vote.


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