
Thursday 16 May 2013

Tony Abbott's Budget Reply Speech 2013 Translated

Translation of the ABC News Online transcript of Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s Budget Reply Speech of 16 May 2013:

Bad guvmin, bad guvmin, look at my RM Williams boots, bad guvmin, I have a wife, bad guvmin, I’m just like you, bad guvmin, no carbon tax, bad guvmin, lower taxes, bad guvmin, me stand for good guvmin, bad guvmin, wasteful spending, bad guvmin, I can use clichés, bad guvmin, ministers can’t guarantee anything, bad guvmin, you can believe my promises but not the other guy’s, bad guvmin, count the billions, bad guvmin, in 121 days there will be an election, bad guvmin, trust me, bad guvmin, lotsa parliamentary sitting days will be dedicated to repealing laws, bad guvmin, I haz monies!, bad guvmin, IR law? look over there not over here, bad guvmin, boats there are boats, bad guvmin, kill the public service, bad guvmin, I will rob low income earners and stop bi-annual Centrelink benefit increases so vote for me, bad guvmin, your boss doesn't have to pay you extra super nah nah nah, bad guvmin, I own Howard & Costello's past surpluses, bad guvmin, we have A PLAN, bad bad Labor guvmin.


  1. No Plans for the Future.No Forward Thinking.if they get Government they will gut the NBN the NDIS not follow though on Education Reforms using the same old line of a Big Black Hole so we can't do anything except Cut.Malcomb Frasier said of Tony Abbott he would say anything to gain power

  2. I'd rather a "black hole" (otherwise known as a completely acceptable federal budget deficit)than a recession, high unemployment and a surplus in the coffers doing nothing. Get over it Tony, you represent regressive ideologies and should never be allowed to become PM of this great country.

  3. I hope more people become aware what Tony Abbott is really up to!

    For people who want to make a difference with their democratic voting opportunity, please read this article on the Institute of Public Affairs website.

    Then decide for yourself if Tony Abbott is a credible alternative Prime Minister who's claim to the Australian people is that he wants to "pledge ourselves to your service"

    "Be like Gough: 75 radical ideas to transform Australia"

    Be like Gough 75 radical ideas to transform Australia _ Institute of Public Affairs Australia.htm

  4. I haven't seen Abbott do or say anything that's "grown up. What's he on about? So what's the "plan"? Not telling? Oh well, not voting for you.

  5. Love it. You made me laugh.


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