
Saturday 13 July 2013

Quotes of the Week

Tony Abbott and his party are being pursued by a private detective, an army of pensioners and a very determined man in a wheelchair.” {Parkes Chamption Post 10th July 2013}

“The "$96 billion of government debt inherited by the Howard government in 1996" we hear Mr Abbott talk about included an amount of around $40 billion in 1996 dollar terms (7.5 per cent of GDP) which was actually Fraser government debt accumulated under Mr Howard's watch as Treasurer that was inherited by Mr Hawke in 1983. That inconvenient fact is rarely if ever considered in the whole debt debate. It is pity that Mr Abbott will not stump up to debate Mr Rudd on Thursday, but the fiscal facts explain why.” {The Drum 10thy July 2013}

“Did you claim travel expenses on your book tour?
TONY ABBOTT: I did not.” {No Fibs 9th July 2013}

THE electricity market is a complete rip-off, says the former boss of ETSA, Bruce Dinham. In his own words, he explains that it has been set up purely to maximise the profits of power suppliers.” {The Advertiser 9th July 2013}

DOCTORS at a New York hospital were about to remove the organs of a woman they thought was dead. Then she opened her eyes. Colleeen Burns, 41, of Syracuse, New York, was admitted to St Joseph's Hospital Health Centre in October 2009 after a drug overdose. Doctors concluded that she was brain dead, when in fact she was in a coma, and were preparing to harvest her organs for donation when she woke up on the operating table. The hospital was fined $US6000 ($6600) after the state Health Department found that doctors ignored signs that Burns was still alive.” { 10th July 2013}

“Stop requesting read receipts for email. It's annoying and creepy.”

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