
Thursday 4 July 2013

So how much is the softer, gentler Tony Abbott costing taxpayers?

 The Abbott Family - portrait of a sense of entitlement

Sometime after the 2010 federal election Opposition Leader Tony Abbott began appearing more often in the media accompanied by his wife and sometimes his daughters.

At the end of that year Abbott's family travel costs amounted to $14,191.47.

By 2011 family members were occasionally seen with him as he spread his political message.

This family unity on the propaganda trail is reflected in those family travel costs reimbursed to Mr. Abbott from government coffers.

In 2011 family travel costs totalled $27,688.35.

At the end of June 2012 another $9,694.48 was added to the bill which had now reached $51,574.30.

In October 2012 the Abbott family again ramped up its profile in an effort to present the ‘softer’ and ‘gentler’ Tony and, he was often seen with his wife or one of his daughters by his side.

When the Dept. of Finance and Deregulation published figures for the second half of 2012, the Abbott wife and daughters total travel costs had increased by another $4,578.22.

Taking the Abbott women's faux campaigning costs passed on to Australian taxpayers up to an estimated $56,152.52 up to 31 December 2012.

Heaven knows how much higher the bill will climb before the federal election or how these costs will blow out if the Abbott's gain tenancy at The Lodge.


Questions have also been raised concerning use of a car in 2011, although to date no specific driver has been identified.

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