
Thursday 29 August 2013

Clive Palmer continues to claim Liberal-National Party candidate Mal Brough asked for money to destroy Peter Slipper's reputation

Brisbane Times 22 August 2013:

Billionaire businessman Clive Palmer has claimed LNP candidate Mal Brough asked him for money to fund a campaign to destroy Peter Slipper’s reputation.
Mr Palmer dropped the bombshell on Thursday, more than a year after the alleged meeting at Palmer’s Coolum Resort on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast in April 2012.
Mr Brough, who is standing as LNP candidate for Mr Slipper’s seat of Fisher, has been approached for comment.
‘‘Mal Brough said it was important the Liberal Party should win the seat of Fisher,’’ Mr Palmer alleged.
‘‘He said to me, ‘we need to destroy Peter Slipper’.
‘‘He said he had all the evidence that would put Slipper way for a long time.
‘‘He then outlined to me a case he had that would destroy his integrity and what the community thought about Mr Slipper.’’
The mining magnate alleged Mr Brough asked him to fund a sexual harassment lawsuit James Ashby would bring against his former employer, Mr Slipper.
Mr Palmer also alleged Mr Brough asked him to employ a woman who would play an integral role in the former House of Representatives speaker’s downfall.
He said Mr Brough did not outline the woman’s role……

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