
Sunday 4 August 2013

Some 'memorable' lines from Tony Abbott you may have missed

No, I don't claim to have immersed myself deeply in all of these documents. I'm a politician [Tony Abbott, ABC Lateline interview, 19 November 2009]

unemployment benefit can become a “conscience payment” to people we’d rather not know [Tony Abbott, Jobs Australia Conference, 16 May 2001]

I suppose at this point I should confess, I should own up, if you like, to a certain lack of moral standing [Tony Abbott, Speech to Work for the Dole Community Work Co-ordinators Conference, 26 July 2000]


  1. You could fill a book with the stupid things Abbott has said. I can't imagine what the next three years will be like if Abbott is elected. Violation after violation of human rights is a certainty.

    I'm not religious, but I'll pray if that means Rudd wins.

  2. Well, I hope you are praying as we need all the help we can get!

  3. Love the "deer caught in headlight" stare

  4. To quote Paul Keating: Tony Abbott as Prime Minister - God help us"


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