
Thursday 1 August 2013

Toll Holdings: Tents R Us

Toll Holdings has a business.

Camp Infrastructure Services

Toll specialises in delivering camp infrastructure in emerging markets and remote locations.

Whether you need a permanent camp or a mobile one, in a remote location or a regional area, we’ll provide you with a complete camp infrastructure solution that is tailored to your organisation’s unique needs. With 20 years’ experience in delivering camp logistics solutions, we create efficient camp designs that maximise productivity and reduce costs.
Our end-to-end camp infrastructure services include:
·         planning
·         design
·         construction
·         camp management
·         camp shut downs

Our highly experienced team will manage local council, town planning, indigenous communities and other statutory requirements, minimising delays. And we’re able to accelerate build times by leveraging Toll’s global network to ensure infrastructure and equipment arrives on time regardless of location.
We can also support your camp with full camp services.

We provide camp infrastructure solutions for:

·         Permanent camps suitable for long term or permanent projects. We can build, own and operate these camps.
·         Temporary camps to support 50 to 200 people, suitable for 1- 6 month projects. These are all above ground, with less onerous council requirements.
·         Mobile camps for short term projects supporting up to 100 people. Our mobile camps are self-sufficient and can be deployed and made operational within a matter of hours.

Tony Abbott sprung pinching pennies while pleasing powerful mates.

The Sydney Morning Herald 30th July 2013:

A logistics company that stands to profit from the Coalition's "tent city" on Nauru funded the trip of its immigration spokesman Scott Morrison and a journalist and photographer from News Corporation to the remote island to announce the plan.
The trip to Nauru was facilitated by Toll Holdings, which has multimillion-dollar contracts already to help handle asylum seekers and is eager for more business in the area.
Other news outlets were not invited to travel with Mr Morrison, leading to News Corporation's newspapers reporting an “exclusive” story that the Coalition would set up a “tent city” on Nauru to house at least 2000 asylum seekers.
It is understood Toll Holdings chartered the flight for the Coalition and News Corporation.
Contacted on Tuesday morning, Mr Morrison's office had no policy documents to accompany the announcement, and a spokeswoman advised reporters to get their information from what had been reported in newspapers. Mr Morrison has since issued a press release with broad details of the policy.
News Corporation - formerly known as News Limited - is controlled by Rupert Murdoch, who has made no secret of his support for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and disdain for Labor…..

The Age 30th July 2013:

Former Commonwealth Ombudsman Allan Asher said accepting funding from a company likely to bid for a contract arising from the policy announcement was "entirely inappropriate".
"I think at any time of the year that would be a questionable thing, but in the context of elections, it just makes it an entirely inappropriate thing to do," he said.

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has chartered a private jet to Nauru to discuss asylum-seeker policy, with all expenses picked up by Liberal Party donors.
Mr Abbott wants to press the Coalition's case to reopen an asylum-seeker processing centre on the South Pacific island.
A party spokesman confirmed Mr Abbott and his entourage had chartered a private jet for the trip, and said all expenses had been paid for by Liberal Party donors….
Mr Abbott and the opposition's immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, are expected to meet Nauruan President Marcus Stephen and senior members of his government to discuss the Coalition's policy of sending those asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat to be processed in Nauru….

From pages 133 to 138 of Toll Holdings Appendix 4E Preliminary Final Report for year ended 30 June 2012 there is a complete list of companies controlled by Toll - feel free to knock yourselves out figuring exactly who might be filling Tones' campaign coffers.

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