
Monday 30 September 2013

A Political Mirage or Where's Kevin Hogan?

According to the Australian Electoral Commission the National Party of Australia only has 9 Members of the House of Representatives in its own right and, if  the Australian Parliament website is to be believed there are another three Nationals who presumably come under the banner of the Liberal-National Party of Queensland.

However, one of the new Nationals in the Lower House is of such importance that he has been left off the official members list on the Australian Parliament website twelve days after the Abbott Government officially took over the reins of government.

As of 30 September 2013 there is still no parliamentary evidence that the Nationals Member for Page, Kevin Hogan, exists outside the pages of mainstream media.

Here are the National Party MPs recognised on the Australian Parliament website.

At present Directory Assistance also has no listing for Kevin Hogan MP, but if one happens across old campaign literature then there is one phone number listed which is still operational - (02) 6622.7253. 

1 comment:

  1. My nat member appears to be MIA too.
    if only it wasn't real,that he is my MP.


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