
Thursday 5 September 2013

A reprise of Abbott's campaign bloopers, bias & tasteless pandering

The Guardian UK 5 August 2013:

Tony Abbott’s first election campaign photo opportunity was at a Queensland meat packing company the opposition leader claimed was “under direct threat” from carbon tax costs of $5m, but which would actually face a bill of one-tenth that amount next year if Labor is re-elected.
JBS Australia’s Ipswich plant has a current annual carbon tax liability of about $1.9m for its 80,000 tonnes of emissions at the $24 carbon price.
As reporters at the scene reminded Abbott, the company received $4.8m from Labor’s Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program to pay for half the cost of improvements that will cut emissions – at its current production levels – to 35,000 tonnes.
So if Labor is re-elected, in the first six months of next year the company’s liability would be half of an annual bill of about $840,000, or about $420,000. And if Labor then floats the carbon price – as it has promised – in the second half of the year, its bill would fall further. At a carbon price of about $6 the annual bill would be $210,000. That takes the total 2014 liability to about $525,000 – or about a tenth of Abbott’s estimate….

Brisbane Times 9 August 2013:

The Coalition campaign has been left red-faced by a bungle in which it urged journalists to quiz Kevin Rudd on the death of a young tradesman during the home insulation scheme - only to get the man's family name wrong.
The email from Liberal Campaign Headquarters to reporters travelling with Mr Rudd recommends five questions, including: "When will Mr Rudd meet with Kevin and Christine Foster to personally apologise for his bungled pink batts scheme?"
The name "Foster" should have read "Fuller". Kevin and Christine Fuller's son Matthew was one of four installers who died during the government-sponsored roof installation program.

The Guardian 27 August 2013:

Coalition leader Tony Abbott’s comment that those “walking down the street at 2am in Kings Cross in Sydney” who are assaulted “maybe shouldn’t be there” has been branded offensive and irresponsible by the father of an 18-year-old who was killed in a “king hit” assault in that location last year.
Thomas Kelly was killed in an unprovoked attack in July 2012 as he walked through Kings Cross with his girlfriend after 10pm.
Ralph Kelly, Thomas’s father, told Guardian Australia that Abbott’s comments were “throwaway” and “offensive”.
“Someone being king hit, by the very nature of the term, it is a coward’s hit, to hit someone who never sees it coming,” he said.
“To walk through Kings Cross at 2 o’clock in the morning is all of our right. We’re allowed to be there; it’s our democratic right to be there.”

The Advertiser News online 29 August 2013:

OPPOSITION leader Tony Abbott has quipped that a "bit of body contact never hurt anyone" while entering a huddle for a photo opportunity with a group of netball players. Remarking that he "wished he was younger", Mr Abbott went on to promise $6 million for a Netball Centre of Excellence...The comment follows criticism of earlier "jokes" by Mr Abbott.
While the netballers were posing for photographs OL Tony Abbott told them ‘a little body contact’ never hurt anyone. 31 August 2013:

BURQAS are confronting and should never be widespread on the streets of Australia, Tony Abbott says.
The Opposition Leader was responding to comments reportedly made by McMahon Liberal candidate Ray King that burqas are a "sign of oppression" and can be linked to criminality. Mr Abbott described Mr Ray as a decorated police officer and "outstanding" candidate.

Abbott addressing housemates in the Big Brother House:

"If you want to know who to vote for, I'm the guy with the not bad looking daughters . ."

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