
Sunday 22 September 2013

Abbott's Sovereign Borders policy leaking like a sieve

ABC News 22 September 2013:

An asylum seeker boat carrying about 30 people has arrived at Christmas Island, the first since the new Federal Government implemented its border protection policy.
The Government is not providing any details of the boat, but the ABC has been told from people on Christmas Island that the passengers include men, women and children from the Middle East.
It is the first known boat arrival since the Government was sworn in last week and its new policy, dubbed Operation Sovereign Borders, took effect.
Since then, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has imposed new restrictions on the flow of information about asylum seeker boats.
The previous government used to alert the media every time a boat was intercepted, but Mr Morrison says he will only provide weekly briefings - the first of which will be tomorrow.....

The Australian 23 September 2013

Despite the Abbott Government's initial attempts to impose an information blackout, the general public is now aware of this particular Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel.

It appears to contain roughly the same small number of passengers and crew that some other asylum seeker boats contained this month prior to the Abbott Government being sworn in on 18 September 2013.

It would appear that Abbott version of Stop The Boats, Turn Back The Boats! is making no difference to people smugglers thus far.

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