
Sunday 15 September 2013

How many of Abbott's troops are experiencing front bench blues?

Australian Financial Review 1 February 2013:

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has said ambitious MPs will have to satisfy themselves with committee chairmanships if the coalition wins the next election, confirming that he expects to keep his front bench in place.

Australian Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott's shadow ministers went to the 7 September federal election on an 'expectation' that he is now busily trashing and there is unrest in the ranks. 10 September 2013:

QUEENSLAND MPs are demanding greater representation on Tony Abbott's new front bench to reflect their large share of seats....some MPs believe the state has been under-represented since it delivers a swathe of seats to Mr Abbott in 2010.

Facebook 15 February 2013:


Australian Financial Review 16 September 2013:

NSW senator Arthur Sinodinos, who ran John Howard’s office when he was prime minister, will not be appointed to cabinet but will be given a portfolio in the outer ministry.....

Senior Coalition sources said there had been “question marks” raised internally over the last week about whether Senator Sinodinos may have to appear before a corruption inquiry related to a directorship he once held. Senator Sinodinos, a renowned figure inside the Coalition and former National Australia Bank executive, maintains he has done nothing wrong and his colleagues support him.

The Sydney Morning Herald 16 September 2013:

Queensland Senator Sue Boyce has attacked the Liberal Party's inability to recruit and promote women.
Her criticism comes just as incoming prime minister Tony Abbott announces his new cabinet, which is predicted to have only one woman, Julie Bishop.
Senator Boyce, who will retire from the Senate next July, said the Liberal Party did not support women through the parliamentary process...

“It's a systemic problem in the party – how embarrassing to be a government with only one woman at a senior level,” Senator Boyce said.

ABC News 17 September 2013:
Tony Abbott is facing more dissent from within Coalition ranks, with Liberal MP Dennis Jensen criticising not only his leader's decisions regarding the placement of portfolios but also the incoming government's signature policy on paid parental leave.
Dr Jensen, the Member for the West Australian seat of Tangney, has told ABC News 24 he is "confused" about which minister will handle the science portfolio.
Yesterday, Mr Abbott said science would "largely" be in the industry portfolio, under incoming minister Ian Macfarlane.
But Dr Jensen, who had expressed interest in taking on the responsibility, believes some of it will be within education.
"I'm somewhat confused about what's happened with the science portfolio. It's not just completely with the industry portfolio, there's parts of it within education which will make it a somewhat schizophrenic policy area," he said.
"This is something that to me is strange.
"I mean we've got a Minister for Sport for God's sake, but we don't have a Minister for Science.".....

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