
Wednesday 25 September 2013

NSW Farmers ask Abbott Government & Minister Macfarlane: "Why should CSG extraction take precedence over protection of land and water and basic needs like food and fibre?"

Media Release
18 September 2013

Setting the record straight on CSG concerns in NSW

NSW Farmers today expressed concern that newly appointed Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane was already dismissing opposition to the coal seam gas industry in NSW.

Association president Fiona Simson said the minister’s comments were very concerning especially when he had not yet spoken to all relevant stakeholders on the CSG issue.

“Farmers and communities in NSW have deep and genuine concerns about the effect this industry is already having and projected to have on agricultural land and water and we do not think it is fair for those concerns to be labelled politically nor emotionally driven,” she said.

“We are however encouraged by the Coalition’s Policy for Resources and Energy in particular the CSG co-existence conditions which state that access to prime agricultural land should only be allowed with the farmer’s agreement and that there should be no damage to the underground water supply.

“NSW Farmers does not deny that the Queensland CSG industry has progressed much quicker than in NSW. But the geography of Queensland is different and what works there will not necessarily work here and I can assure him that not everyone over the border is ecstatic about how the CSG industry has developed there.

“The NSW legislative framework in relation to CSG is severely lacking – this is something we have been saying for years.

“We are not against the industry but we are seeking balanced outcomes. Why should CSG extraction take precedence over protection of land and water and basic needs like food and fibre?

“NSW Farmers wants adequate protections for agricultural land and water and we want our questions, legitimate questions, answered.

Ms Simson said the federal Coalition’s agriculture policy about building better stakeholder relations was encouraging and she was keen to take them up on that.

“However, comments like these are a concern so early on in a new government’s first term,” she concluded.

1 comment:

  1. Greg Hunt (Federal M.P.) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MUI) with Queensland to cut green tape.

    Thereby saving time and money for the CSG industry ...actually, all mining industries in Qld.

    Tuesday 24 September 2013 Cougar Energy was fined $75,000 in the Queensland Magistrates Court for releasing cancer causing chemicals into groundwater at Kingaroy.

    This took place at Cougar Energy's $550 million pilot Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) plant.


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