
Sunday 8 September 2013

What's-his-name is the new member for Page

So you think the new member for Page in northern NSW is a bloke called Hogan. Well, think again. 
Seems the bloke is also known in some circles as Hutchinson. 
Furthermore, there a bit of doubt about where he was born ... was it regional NSW or regional South Australia?

Hogan told The Daily Examiner (2/9/13) he was born in a small town in regional South Australia.

1 comment:

  1. What I like is the claim that he was narrowly defeated by Saffin in 2010.
    In fact he lost by 7,162 votes in 2010.
    This time round he appears to have been ahead by 3,975 votes when Saffin conceded defeat.
    Andreas11213 needs to double check before he posts om Wikipedia.


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