
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Kevin Hogan - another Nationals MP who doesn't understand the Internet

On 7 September 2013 approximately 46.65 per cent of voters in the Page electorate gave their first preference vote to the National Party’s Kevin Hogan.

Kevin is now the Federal Member for Page in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales.

Like his NSW Nationals state counterpart before him, Kevin has attempted to obliterate the contents of his campaign website.

One has to suspect that, like his Prime Minister Tony Abbott, he has no idea how the Internet actually archives items.

Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis caused a deal of hilarity when he closed his 2007 federal campaign website down, as Pandora already had it online in perpetuity.

Now Kevin is also causing a great deal of belly laughter across Northern New South Wales.

This is the same home page of Kevin’s pre-polling day version of the website, courtesy of the Wayback Machine:

Just for good measure and in the interests of an accurate historical record, here is Kevin's website copy of his how-to-vote- card, which is also still available online at Pandora along with his 2010 and 2013 campaign websites:

Everyone of Kevin Hogan's election promises are there on the Internet  for all to see - forever.

Click on images to enlarge

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