
Thursday 31 October 2013

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's 50 day boast is risible

Herald Sun 26 October 2013:

Fifty days into the job, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he's already delivered on many of his election promises, and that includes stopping the boats.

The Prime Minister made this boast fifty days after the 7 September 2013 federal election.

Since Tony Abbott was sworn in a Prime Minister of Australia on 18 September there has been an estimated 13 SIEV boats that either arrived in Australian waters or were found in distress in international waters in the 33 days up to the last Sovereign Borders reporting period.

This roughly averages out to two boat arrivals each day.

Perhaps the Prime Minister might like to explain how this is a “delivered” election promise?

It was an impossible promise when he made it - a fact of which he was well aware.

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