
Friday 1 November 2013

A reminder of cost of living figures BEFORE Abbott & Co have a chance to dismantle the national carbon pricing system

The Sydney Morning Herald 30 October 2013:

Australia's official inflation rate may be 2.2 per cent, but for most Australians the cost of living is scarcely rising.
New estimates released Wednesday show that for households headed by working Australians the cost of living climbed just 0.9 per cent in the year to September.
The Bureau of Statistics says among households headed by Australians on benefits, old age pensioners and retirees the cost of living climbed 2 per cent.
The estimates are lower than the official inflation figure because they include the cost of mortgage repayments, which has been sliding.
During the year in which the costs faced by working Australians climbed 0.9 per cent the wage price index climbed 3 per cent.
Electricity prices are climbing at their lowest annual pace in six years - just 6.1 per cent....

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