
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Abbott cutting green and red tape creates a diplomatic row

Is there no-one Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is not willing to offend in his ideological descent into political madness?

This time it is one of our largest trading partners, Japan, and our oldest ally, New Zealand. Along with Indonesia, Taiwan,  Republic of Korea, Philippines, South Africa and the European Union – countries which are members of or co-operate with the Commission for Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna.

The Sydney Morning Herald 9 November 2013:

The Abbott government has been rebuked by Japan and New Zealand for ditching Australia's commitment to monitor closely its catch of the endangered southern bluefin tuna.
Australia had undertaken to bring in a stereo-video monitoring system to measure more accurately its live catch after Japanese claims that Australian fishers were falsely counting their take of the prized fish.
Parliamentary secretary to the Agriculture Minister Richard Colbeck has shelved the proposal, claiming its $600,000 cost was unwarranted in an industry worth $150 million a year in exports.
Australia takes 5151 tonnes of southern bluefin tuna a year, the lion's share of a 12,449 tonne global catch split between nine nations.
The fish is listed as critically endangered by environment group the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Almost all of the Australian quota is taken by purse seine vessels operating in the Great Australian Bight under the control of Port Lincoln's tuna tycoons....
Japan told the controlling Commission for Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna last year it held ''grave concerns'' that the method used to count the fish was inaccurate.
In reply, Australia confirmed its commitment to implement a stereo-video monitoring system by December 1 to measure accurately the size of each fish.
But last month Australia told the commission the Abbott government was concerned the system would impose an ''excessive regulatory and financial burden''.
Senator Colbeck said it would impose ''a significant additional cost that was not warranted''.
He said it would be postponed until an automatic system could be developed.
Japan said it came to a meeting of the commission in Adelaide last month with high hopes that Australia would meet its promise.
''To our great disappointment, our expectations were crushed,'' Japanese commissioner Shigeto Hase said.
New Zealand commissioner Arthur Hore said the commission was dismayed by a further delay to an Australian commitment made in 2006. ''This delay will have a significant impact on the interests of other commission members,'' he said. ''This is disappointing to say the least.''....

1 comment:

  1. "Is there no-one Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is not willing to offend in his ideological descent into political madness?".

    Apparently .... Pell & god.

    Pretty sure I got Abbott's order of preference right.


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