
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Abbott's adviser deletes Twitter account now the damage is done - blames death threats

Mark Textor an adviser to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has deleted his Twitter account @markatextor after employing the same boots and all approach to Australia-Indonesia relations as Abbott himself.

Textor claimed he could not tolerate the 'death threats' received since he sent the tweets set out below, however if these alleged threats happened they must be thin on the ground because the Topsy archive carries little or no trace of these threats as far as I can tell.

Indeed the twitterverse was more likely to respond with comments such as You are a bogan moron, end of story or "Conduct unbecoming?" Don't f*cking flatter yourself, no one expects anything better from you.

Time online 22 November 2013:

Textor has admitted he slipped up. "Twenty-five years in politics, one or two mistakes, this is certainly one of them," he said Thursday.
As we ponder what the other mistake of his career could be, here are some of his mud-slinging tweets preserved for posterity.
The one where he brought up the 2005 suicide attack in Bali and linked to a photo of the bombers
"Last time I looked no Indonesians were ever bombed in Australia" (removed from Twitter)
The one where he slammed Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's propensity to use Twitter
"What sort of head of state communicates with a head of a neighbouring government by twitter FFS? SBY" (removed from Twitter)
The one where he gave tips for saving on apparently alcoholic beverages to the leader of the country with the biggest Muslim population in the world
@Drew_Bowie @Colvinius @SBYudhoyono @TonyAbbottMHR I think he should sack his foreign service and just do twitter. Save on the drinks bill
— Mark Textor (@markatextor) November 19, 2013
The one where he predicted journalists would find Indonesia's relationship with Australia sexually arousing…
Indonesian junior official criticises Oz Government. 2 things happen: left media gets hard on. Govt gets more domestic support
— Mark Textor (@markatextor) November 11, 2013
… but that anyone who mattered didn't care if Indonesians were offended
"No one gives a rat's arse in the real world. The bubble at work." (removed from Twitter)
The one where he described Indonesia's ambassador to Australia as a chess piece
Indonesian ambassador Read: Pawn of Indonesian domestic politics #indonesiavotes2014
— Mark Textor (@markatextor) November 18, 2013
The one where he implied the Indonesian President was senile
"Poor old bugger SBY is confused." (removed from Twitter)
The one where he re-tweeted a political reporter's response to his porn star slur
@latikambourke @markatextor Personally I disagree Mark. Marty looks more like a bad 70′s Bond villain.
When he reacted to the controversy over his porn star slur
@cathywilcox1 @jonathanvswan it's dull. Silly, gossipy and moronic. Compensated for by fake moral outrage and intellectual snobbery.
— Mark Textor (@markatextor) November 19, 2013
The time he claimed Indonesia's reaction to the spying controversy was fake
@PetefromHayNSW I think we act peacefully. But the fake indo outrage posturing is frustrating.
— Mark Textor (@markatextor) November 19, 2013
The one where he demanded Indonesia apologize for spying in 2004
SBY should apologise. "Indonesia 'bugged' Australia By Brendan Nicholson National Security Correspondent Canberra November 15, 2004″
— Mark Textor (@markatextor) November 19, 2013
The one where he took a dig at Australia's public broadcaster and gossip columnists
@latikambourke Where did i mention SBY exactly? More ABC inaccurate nonsense. More ant rooting from glorified gossip columnists

Front page mock up courtesy of @lol_trotsky

1 comment:

  1. Mark Textor is not only closely allied with the so called "Liberal" party but also John Howard.

    And questions should be asked about his involvement in "children overboard".

    When voting time comes around there should be photos of this bloke at all polling booths to show Australian's how low we have sunk.


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