
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Prime Minister rejects lease on $2.8 million house in Forrest, ACT

It would appear that either Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott really enjoys the company of young police cadets in his current academy digs or is determined to keep his family as far away from Canberra as possible for most of the year, because at the outset he rejected the house leased for him at 34 Arthur Circle, Forrest, ACT, just minutes away from Parliament House.

It has lain empty since sometime in September this year and is reportedly costing taxpayers $3,000 a week. The Prime Minister apparently preferring to house his wife in their own million dollar family home at 32 Lady Davidson Circuit, Forestville, NSW rather than with him when Parliament is in session or when he is otherwise officially engaged in Canberra.

The house in Arthur Circle.........

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