
Friday 8 November 2013

Put your hand in your pocket for this community - every little bit counts

Northern Rivers communities and local government councils have a surfeit of riches compared to some other Australian regions.
Maybe it’s time to put our hands in our pocket for these enterprising young people.

This ‘campaign’ is simple, but serious. We have no marketing expertise, strategy or budgets. What we do is look after young people. Young Warlpiri people wrote, shot, edited and performed in this film because they want you to know how important our pool is to us.

You’ll see just some of the benefits of the swimming pool in this clip. Royal Life Saving Society NT has called us ‘the best run remote pool in the Territory’ and to top it off here’s some stats from July to December 2012: 

·         Open 83 of a possible 83 days of the season – no closures
·         Record daily average of 95 swimmers per day (total of 7,918 over the season)
·         Yuendumu school use – 48 days including every day of Term 4 (hot months) for  swimming lessons
·         Yuendumu Childcare use – 1 day per week
·         94.3% of swimmers were between 0 and 24 years old
·         7 young people were employed at the pool
·         Increased use by surrounding communities (Nyirrpi, Willowra & Mt Allen)
·         No OH&S incidents

Since the Pool opened in October 2008, some  government support for operational costs has come from the NT government. However, for the last 5 years we have only been able to stay open due to gold mine royalty funds given to us by community members. The mine has now closed. There’s no more money for the pool. We could really use your help.

You can donate online at

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