
Monday 2 December 2013

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy The Wonder Cat]

A two for one musing:
The Daily Examiner's 23.10.13 issue carried this blooper. "Clarence Valley library users contnue to slate their thirst for material that's turning the page from traditional books to those available on the internet." A case of simple typo teams up with an inability to look up slake in the dictionary.

A little birdie musing: 
Now I normally consider little birdies as nothing more than party appetisers, but today one flew by and told me that Metgasco Limited shareholders are worried that the proxy authorization wording put to them by the current board may see many shareholders unknowingly allowing their vote to be hijacked in favour of the status quo.

A glass ball musing:
Butch the Boxer who lives in Grafton is one savvy dog. He dropped by mid-week on his way to a bit of beach time. He told me that mutts in his street are laying odds on Prime Minister Tony Abbott organizing a legal move against Clive Palmer's newly created senate bloc à la Hanson and Etteridge by July 2014.

A looking over her shoulder musing:
Quietly glided my way onto the desk and stuck my nose right on the laptop screen. Seems one Yamba local (who swears that NCV is not worth a read) came onto the blog five times in one day recently just to see what was going on. Hiya Dave!

A well who didn't see that coming musing:
Former NSW Premier and former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr is to quit politics now he is a lowly senator on the Opposition benches. If Federal Labor has any sense it will replace him with Janelle Saffin the hard-working former MP for Page on the NSW North Coast.

A Walks On Water musing:
Which Clarence Valley shire councillor has made a habit of successfully requesting to stay in the room when fellow councillors are considering that councillor’s particular business interests or matters impacting on those business interests.

A who on earth told Eli that musing:
Eli Greenblat is a journalist writing for The Sydney Morning Herald and he electrified Yamba folk in late August by referring to Billabong founder Gordon Merchant as an environmentalist.
Bitter laughter could be heard as locals turned the pages of their newspapers that day.


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